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I build web applications using PHP and JS. With proper knowledge of technological trends and their maturity I can offer best solutions selected for your project.


Currently it is not only simple script language for some pretty animation. It gives possibility to build full application operating on web browser.

html5 + css3

Not new, but still not fully used, powerful mechanism, with better support than few years back. Give possibility to make better and faster application.


Still treated by some as script language, in new versions is real powerful object language with thousand of vendors libraries and frameworks.

Zend framework 2 and 3

One of the most popular PHP framework. We use it for web applications and web services.

Laravel 5

Light modular PHP framework. Perfect for web pages and smaller applications.


JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. Perfect for real time applications like fast API, bots etc.


One of the most popular DB engine for Web Development


One of most popular NoSQL engine perfect for node.js.

I also know many others magic words like: Symfony, SQLite, Express.js, React, Angular, JQuery, Bootstrap, WebGL, three.js, d3.js...


It is said good developer need only console and notepad. The true is that artist need tools. When better tools he has, then faster and more efficiently he work. There are many tools available for developers and team/project managers. I also use some of them. Which tool is used really depend on project. For task management I used tools like mantis, eventum, youtrack, jira. For live contact I use slack and skype with bots integration. For project versioning I use git. Most of application I develop and test using vagrant. Other tools depend on projects: pm2, gulp, grunt, less, sass, phpunit, PHP_CodeSniffer, phpDocumentor, NetBeans etc.

In most cases web application is not stand alone system, most of app reuse some services. I had option to integrate with systems services like: google maps, google directions and other google APIs, wikipedi API, PostMark, CampaignMonitor, PayPal, Facebook, Twitter, twilio, pubnub, slack, eventum, youtrack, Narodowy Banki Polski Web API, aws s3, OneDrive and many other services.

My mission

Skills and knowledge is key for good application development.
Each day we learn new things. Each day we train our skills.
By taking on new tasks and challenges we are growing faster than by reading books and participating in courses.
My mission is not only to get new interesting project which will give me opportunity to make me better, but also to share my knowledge and help other developers to become code masters with mad skills.
Soon you'll find here numerous articles, tips and parts of code, that can help you in your work or hobby. In the meantime, you can read on medium.
I want to be source of your force.

About me

"Young and beauty I am not, but force is strong in me."

Łukasz Pawłowski

Łukasz Pawłowski

Lead Developer in VAO

Contact Me

If you want to cooperate, offer some job or just ask for help, contact me.